How you can help
Working together, we can develop engaging fundraising ideas that resonate with your staff. As a corporate partner of Mane Chance, we will support your company and staff with all aspects of their fundraising.
- Charity of the Year - nominate Mane Chance as your company charity of the year and we can work together to build a mutually beneficial relationship.
- Volunteering - bring your staff together in the beautiful surroundings of Mane Chance Sanctuary, to help with the plethora of jobs that need doing around the site. Corporate volunteering can be a great team building activity and help to inspire staff. Visit our corporate volunteering page for more information.
- Sponsorship - we run several events and projects that we are keen to secure sponsorship for. We can help increase your brand awareness, gain access to a new audience, demonstrate your corporate social responsibility credentials and help us raise vital funds. Working with you, we'll build a bespoke package that meets your brand's needs.
- Gifts in Kind - we are always grateful for gifts or materials and products that we can use at the Sanctuary for both our horses and our humans!
- Payroll Giving (also known as Pay As You Earn) - an easy, tax-free way to donate regularly to your chosen charity directly through your salary. Please visit our Payroll Giving page for more information.

Read the story behind Mane Chance.
There are a number of ways for our community to share our Sanctuary and horses.
There are many ways you can be part of our Sanctuary.