Fundraising in the community
If you're thinking of organising your own event and fundraising for Mane Chance, we have lots of fundraising ideas to help you raise money for our charity.
Fundraising at your club/organisation
- Get your local community involved and organise a fun day, car wash or plant sale.
- See who has the biggest brain - a quiz night always attracts lots of people and it can be a lot of fun too!
- Invite us to give a presentation about Mane Chance to inspire and motivate your club. We'll help you learn more about how we care for our horses and how our horses help to provide therapeutic support to children and young people.
- Organise a sponsored walk, run or cycle around your local area or local park.
Fundraising at your local pub
- A pub quiz is a great charity event idea - you can even theme part of it to be about our charity, to encourage a few more donations.
- Get creative! Organise a talent show or Tour de Town (name it after your local area!)
- Always add a raffle to your event. Everyone loves a raffle and they are an easy way to boost your fundraising total by a few pounds!
Fundraising at home
- Cook dinner for your friends and invite them to indulge - in return for a donation of course!
- Clear out the clutter - sell your unwanted DVDs, CDs and Games using Ziffit and donate the money to Mane Chance.
- Host a coffee morning - there's nothing better than coffee, cake and a good catch up with friends.
- Use your old stamps to raise money.
If you wish to discuss any ideas you have or need any further support, please don't hesitate to contact our team - we would love to hear from you.

There are a number of ways that you can support our Sanctuary.
There are a number of ways for our community to share our Sanctuary and our horses.
Read the story behind Mane Chance.